Prediction Levels
Level I: The input protein sequence is predicted as single or dual localization class, based on the selected model.
Level II: In this level, the query protein sequence predicted as single or dual localization is followed by the prediction into 11 single localization classes as follows:
- Vacuole
- Cytoplasm
- Peroxisome
- Golgi apparatus
- Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Membrane
- Secreted
- Cell membrane
- Mitochondria
- Plastid
- Nucleus
Level III: This level will classify the proteins into 14 dual localization classes, which are:
- CellMembrane & Membrane
- Cytoplasm & Membrane
- Cytoplasm & Mitochondria
- Cytoplasm & Nucleus
- Cytoplasm & Vesicle
- Endoplasmic Reticulum & Membrane
- Golgi apparatus & Membrane
- Membrane & Mitochondria
- Membrane & Nucleus
- Membrane & Plastid
- Membrane & Secreted
- Membrane & Vacuole
- Nucleus & Chromosome
- Plastid & Mitochondria
Prediction Strategy
LegumeLoc provides two prediction strategies:
- Fast: This model provides a faster prediction. This approach is useful in annotationg huge number of proteins.
- Sensitive: This model provides a more sensitive prediction at the cost of longer computation time. This approach is useful in annotationg small number of proteins with high-quality prediction.
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