LegumeLoc: Deep Learning-based Subcellular Localization Prediction for Legume Crop Proteins

Input Data

LegumeLoc server accepts only protein (amino acid) sequence(s) in FASTA format.

Prediction approach

Predictions can be excuted using two different approaches using different models: Fast and Sensitive.

Development Environment and Prerequisites

This source code was developed in Linux, and has been tested on Linux and OS X. Python v3.7 or above is required.


LegumeLoc can be installed in two ways:

  1. Create a dedicated miniconda3 environment:
  2. Install using system Python3


To run LegumeLoc, execute the below command:

Queries and Contact

Developed at Kaundal Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Bioinformatics Lab (KAABiL)

For any technical issues or questions related to LegumeLoc, please contact: bioinfo@kaabil.net